Patients in Alliston ask, “Why does your tooth need a dental crown and what is the purpose of a crown?”

No one plans to break or chip a tooth. When dental trauma occurs, you want it to be addressed effectively and efficiently. Losing, damaging, or chipping a tooth changes the appearance and function of your smile. You will need to visit a dentist for a dental restoration. Located in Alliston, Dr. Oksana Vozna and Dominion Street Dental offer advice, treatment, and answers the question, “why does your tooth need a dental crown?” and the team at Dominion Street Dental  offer crowns to address damaged teeth and to improve your smile.

What are dental crowns?

A crown is a protective, tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a tooth. It may cover a natural tooth or a dental implant. It is a fixed dental device that is cemented into place over the tooth or implant. It can only be removed by a dental professional. The crown forms a stable, sturdy restoration to complete the smile. The result is improved appearance and function of the tooth. A crown covers, protects, and improves a single tooth. It restores the visible portion of the tooth. A crown may be made of different materials such as gold, metal covered with porcelain, or ceramic. Your dentist will determine the appropriate material for your needs.

Although there are variations to the methods used during the creation of a crown, the steps are similar. The dentist must first check the tooth and prepare it for a crown. The damaged portion of the tooth is removed, but the integrity of the tooth and the root remain intact. This ensures a snug fit for your crown. Then, impressions of the tooth are taken. Depending on the type of crown to be used, a temporary crown may be placed while the permanent crown is created by an off-site laboratory. The dentist makes notes regarding the size, shape, and color of the tooth. This ensures a natural-looking result. Once the crown has been fabricated, it is cemented into place. Oral care for crowns is the same as for natural teeth. Brushing twice a day and daily flossing ensures the longevity of your restoration and your overall oral health.

Purpose of a crown

Why does your tooth need a dental crown? The reasons vary from patient to patient. The most common purposes of a crown include:

  • Correcting a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth
  • Restoring a tooth weakened by a large amount of decay
  • Covering a tooth following a root canal
  • Cosmetically enhancing a natural tooth
  • Anchoring a dental bridge

The crown has aesthetic and functional benefits. Aesthetically speaking, a crown improves the appearance of a cracked, discolored, misshapen, or decayed tooth. When porcelain materials are used, the shade of the crown is closely matched to the tooth to ensure it blends smoothly. The crown is also matched in size and shape with the adjacent teeth for a natural result. To the general public, the visible crown is a natural part of the mouth.

Crowns protect the tooth and the health of the mouth. In terms of functionality, having a broken, damaged, or missing tooth disrupts the balance of the mouth. When a tooth is broken, the chewing surface is damaged. The individual may also change the way he or she speaks. Having a crown placed completes the smile’s appearance and restores the structural balance of the mouth. The tooth is strengthened and protected as dental issues are corrected. Functionality is restored. The bite is corrected so patients can eat and speak normally. The crown can withstand the pressures of a natural tooth.

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Although we all hope to maintain our natural teeth, life happens. Problems or injuries due to decay or trauma may occur. Tooth damage and even tooth loss are possible. Dental crowns correct the problem, restore your smile, and have several benefits as dental restorations. Your dentist’s goal is to save the natural tooth whenever possible. By preserving the structure of the natural tooth, the patient maintains more overall health benefits. Dental crowns allow dentists to protect the health of your teeth and the health of your mouth.

Restore your teeth with dental crowns. Contact Dr. Oksana Vozna and the team at Dominion Street Dental in Alliston, ON. Call (705) 435-4124.

