How porcelain veneers in Alliston give every tooth a natural appearance

You want a beautiful smile, not a fake one. Dr. Oksana Vozna understands, and she has the exceptional cosmetic dentistry skills needed to accomplish that goal. She and her team at Dominion Street Dental offer a variety of aesthetic enhancements to beautify your smile, including porcelain veneers. From a full smile makeover to covering a flaw in a single tooth, veneer treatment offers a conservative, convenient solution, and beautifully natural appearance.

Why porcelain is the material of choice for a natural appearance

A veneer is a very thin layer of cosmetic dental material that covers the entire visible surface of a tooth. It can be made of various materials, most commonly composite resin or porcelain. Resin veneers are completed in a single visit, whereas porcelain is fabricated in a dental laboratory and takes several days. However, there are many benefits that make porcelain well worth the wait. These include:

  • Longevity – Porcelain is extremely durable and harder than tooth enamel. That means you won’t have to worry about your veneers wearing down or dulling over time.
  • True color match – A composite veneer matches the color of your tooth enamel, but it is a uniform, single shade. In natural teeth there are subtle variations and color gradients, which porcelain veneers replicate.
  • Other aesthetic properties – It is more than coloring that makes porcelain look so natural. The luminescence, translucency, and light refractive index of dental porcelain is very similar to that of tooth enamel. Therefore, well-made veneers give your smile the same dazzling radiance as flawless natural teeth.

Dr. Vozna does not use or recommend composite resin for permanent veneers. However, she often uses it for temporaries, protecting prepared teeth until the final porcelain veneers are ready.

The importance of smile design

Choosing the right material is only one factor in creating natural looking porcelain veneers. The size and shape of each veneer must also be just right. Dr. Oksana Vozna places a great deal of importance on smile design, considering factors such as:

  • Individual preferences – Everyone has a unique vision of ideal beauty. Dr. Vozna will begin with a discussion, learning about your aesthetic goals, answering questions, and explaining your options.  Once she understands just how you want your smile to look, she will begin designing it.
  • Facial proportions – Some faces are more aesthetically appealing than others. To a certain extent, that quality is quantifiable by analyzing the proportions of facial features and the distance between them. This same principle applies to details within each feature, including the smile. Therefore, aesthetic facial analysis can help determine the ideal height, shape, and width of teeth.
  • The golden ratio – Historians believe that the ancient Greeks were the first to discover that beautiful things in nature tend to follow a specific pattern, which they described in a complex mathematical formula known as the golden ratio. Like other objects of natural beauty, the dimensions and width-to-height ratio of teeth follow the golden ratio.
  • Color selection – If a single tooth, or a select few teeth, are treated with veneers, then the color is matched to your natural enamel. However, if you choose to have all visible teeth veneered, then you have an opportunity to change your smile color. Most patients want to brighten their smiles, but a too-white shade can look artificial. Dr. Vozna will help you choose a shade that is both dazzling and natural looking.
  • Other planned cosmetic procedures – For some patients, porcelain veneers are just the first step in a total makeover. If you plan to have lip injections, a facelift, or other procedure that affects the mouth area, be sure to tell the doctor during your consultation, so she can adjust your treatment plan accordingly. Because these types of procedures change the shape of your mouth, they will affect the appearance of your veneers.

Existing Patients: (705) 435-4124 | New Patients: (705) 990-2978
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Are porcelain veneers right for you?

If you want to change the appearance of your smile, then the answer is most likely “yes!” The best way to explore your options is to visit Dr. Vozna for a cosmetic evaluation and consultation. She will determine if you are a candidate for veneers and discuss any viable alternatives. Just call Dominion Street Dental at (705) 435-4124 and arrange an appointment to get started.


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