Alliston, ON dentist repairs smiles with cosmetic bonding

Did you know there is a cosmetic dental procedure that can improve the appearance of your smile, repair dental damage, and restore oral function? At Dominion Street Dental in Alliston, ON, Dr. Oksana Vozna uses cosmetic bonding to solve a variety of dental problems, comfortably and economically.

What is composite resin bonding?

The clinical term for this product is quite explanatory. “Composite” is in the name of the material, because the compound is a mixture of non-toxic, resin-based plastic and finely-powdered glass. The plastic gives structure and durability to the restoration. The glass filler minimizes shrinkage of the material as it hardens, and gives the restoration a light-reflecting quality that looks like natural tooth enamel.

It is called “bonding” because the material is bonded to the tooth for a strong, reliable repair. This trait makes bonding a conservative treatment. It requires less reduction of tooth structure, since the restoration is securely adhered. In addition, bonding has a coefficient of expansion similar to your own tooth. This physical property simply means that the material used in the bonding expands and contracts in response to temperature at a rate much like enamel and dentin, minimizing the risk of cracking a tooth.

Light-cured resin composites have been used in this country since the 1970s, but materials and techniques continue to evolve. At one time, bonding was considered only for minor cosmetic enhancements. Today’s advanced composites, however, are suitable for more extensive restorations and strong enough for the forces placed on molars while biting and chewing. With good oral care, cosmetic bonding can provide many years of functional service.

Teeth bonding is shaded to match the color of your natural dentition, so repairs and enhancements blend unnoticeably into your smile.

Cosmetic bonding: a versatile option in Alliston, ON

An experienced dentist can use bonding in many ways.

  • Dr. Vozna may suggest bonding to improve the appearance of a discolored or chipped tooth
  • A thin layer can be applied to hide fractures and keep them from getting worse
  • Bonding smooths the surface of enamel that has pits, bumps, or grooves
  • It restores function and appearance to teeth that are worn down, and reshapes teeth with unusual contours or size
  • In some cases, bonding can be an alternative to orthodontic treatment, disguising minor misalignment and closing spaces between teeth

Another exciting use for cosmetic bonding is to repair a decayed tooth. In the past, most cavities were filled with silver-colored amalgam. Modern patients, however, prefer not to have noticeable fillings. Rather, they prefer to have a smile that does not make it obvious that they’ve had cavities.

Since the material bonds to the tooth, it helps to restore physical integrity of natural structures. This is especially important for larger areas of decay or damage that might have required a crown (before the advent of composite resin bonding).

An efficient procedure

At Dominion Street Dental, cosmetic bonding treatment is a straightforward process, yet highly personalized to the patient’s specific needs.

In the initial examination and consultation, Dr. Vozna examines your mouth and evaluates the condition you wish to have corrected, whether cosmetic, restorative, or a combination. She describes the bonding procedure, and explains alternatives such as porcelain veneers, crowns, or orthodontics. Together, you decide whether to proceed with cosmetic bonding. Depending on the extent of your treatment, bonding may be performed on the day of consultation, or scheduled for a future visit. It typically takes about an hour to place bonding on one tooth, and less time per tooth for multiple applications done at the same time. Treatment generally follows these steps:

  • On the day of treatment, you are settled comfortably into the chair
  • If your treatment is cosmetic, numbing is usually not necessary; however, if you are having tooth decay repaired or if your teeth are very sensitive, you will receive local anesthetic
  • Dr. Vozna matches the shade of the composite to your surrounding dentition to preserve aesthetics of your smile
  • If necessary, damaged tooth structure is removed and the tooth is shaped to receive the bonding material
  • An etching solution is applied to ensure a strong bond of material to tooth structure
  • The composite is molded around the tooth and sculpted into the desired size and shape
  • A curing light is applied to harden the resin
  • Dr. Vozna may make a few additional adjustments, trimming and contouring the final restoration
  • The tooth is polished to a natural-looking luster

There is no need to “baby” the treated teeth after the procedure is over. If your mouth has not been numbed, you may chew using the teeth that had dental work immediately.

A good daily program of brushing with non-abrasive paste and a soft toothbrush, and flossing at bedtime should keep your composite bonding looking good for many years. It is also essential to maintain regular dental checkups for a healthy mouth.

What about teeth bonding cost?

The affordable cost of dental bonding is one of the characteristics that makes it a popular choice. Composite bonding for cosmetic improvement is considerably more economical than porcelain veneers. For cavity repair, the cost is comparable to amalgam and less than the expense of a porcelain crown.

Would you like to learn more about improving your smile with cosmetic bonding? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Vozna at Dominion Street Dental. The number in Alliston, ON is (705) 435-4124.